For people in recovery who are tired of feeling out of control & out of balance with their repeating patterns
Yes… it's discouraging when you can't find the time to do all the work of healing that comes after you find recovery.
To try to navigate life’s ups and downs while making progress in all the different areas of your life.
You’re not only trying to avoid extremes, you are trying to stay in balance so that you don’t start acting out when everything feels chaotic and out of control.
Ever seen these patterns play out for you?
You had every intention of practicing your self-care. Then just before you start, you think "I'll just check my notifications real quick". Before you know it, you've gone down the rabbit hole and two hours have passed - and now it's too late!
There are times when you feel like, "Hey I got this!". You are meal prepping, sticking to your gym schedule, meditating consistently and feeling super grounded. Suddenly, you find yourself out of control binge eating & zoning out on Netflix. You feel like Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
You have the best of intentions, but you miss a day at the gym, eat like crap one day, and the inner critic starts going off, beating you up for not meeting unreasonable expectation. You start thinking, "I must be fundamentally broken.”
When you get so sick of feeling stuck, that you go into self-help junkie mode. So you pray, meditate, journal, go to meetings and therapy, read all the books and listen to all the podcasts… ending up so exhausted that you crash and fall back to your old coping skills.
You are baffled at your behavior and think “As soon as I get a handle on one area of my life, then I spin out of control in another area. Why is this so hard?”
“I think I am making progress, then when I’m stressed out, I default to my ‘old behaviors’ and wonder how I got here… again! I’m so frustrated with myself!”
Make More Money
Improve Your Fitness
Dysfunctional Relationships
Hire a Business Coach
Work With a Trainer
See a Therapist
Make More
Hire a
Business Coach
Improve Your
Join a
Dysfunctional Relationships
See a
They all have one thing in common:
Even though you keep “turning it over” to your higher power, you find yourself “taking your will back”. You start thinking you must not be willing enough, or have enough discipline. That it’s somehow your fault for acting out on your “character defects”.
Maybe you think you just need to try harder?! So you recommit on doing all the work. You’re going to meet with your spiritual advisor, work the steps, help others, pray, meditate, and go to daily meetings.
But life gets in the way. You have a stressful job, childcare responsibilities, a marriage, a household to run. You never seem to have enough time, money, and energy to do everything, and your needs always come last. The work doesn’t get done and you end up in a shame spiral.
Clearly other people have solved your specific problem tied to health, wealth and relationships.
You read all the books, listen to all the podcasts, and watch endless hours of videos searching for the answers. Maybe it’s more meditation, or inner child work, maybe it’s shadow work, maybe it’s cultivating your intuition.
But you find yourself right back where you started. After years of struggling with the same thing -over and over and over - it’s hard not to feel fundamentally broken.
You decide that you are in “self-will” and decide that to be happy, you just need to practice acceptance and simply surrender your desires.
You give up and start believing that maybe your dreams of a loving relationship, a healthy body, or financial freedom just aren’t for you.
Of course you’re confused, exhausted, and afraid to try again! For most of us, it’s a merry-go-round of proposed solutions that end up perpetuating the all-or-nothing thinking, perfectionism, guilt, obsession, and extremes we’re trying to avoid.
You fear that you are SOMEHOW the ONLY ONE for whom breakthrough is not possible.
I promise you… breakthrough is possible.
There is a better, more loving way to find peace, and heal your body and mind from the toxic extremes that are stealing your life away... I know this because I was there too.
I lived in this cycle for decades.
My negative patterns showed up through money issues.
Even though I was sober, I would often find myself in negative behavior patterns around my “financial insecurity”. Ending up in a place of total despair and frustration over my lack of self-discipline.
I wanted to be successful financially, so I would throw myself into working crazy hours. Everything else took a back seat including my husband, friends… and even my kids.
I worked myself into exhaustion and burnout. That’s when I would start missing goals and quotas, feeling like a loser. I distracted myself with sugar and social media to avoid the feelings of failure.
I spent years in therapy, doing step work, gathering more information, and I would feel more balanced and achieve more for a time.
But then I would start to feel better, and lose all my motivation… Ending up right where I started.
After years of struggling thinking there was something wrong with me, I finally learned a process that allowed me to stay in balance, and take consistent action on the things that would move me closer to my goals in:
It wasn’t that I was lacking the right strategies or tactics that all the experts are offering. The problem is that I had subconscious competing needs that created internal resistance that was keeping me stuck.
I discovered the framework that frees me up to take actions that get results - In all areas of my life.
It begins with understanding how your brain works, specifically..
The Default Mode Network (DMN) is your brain’s natural operating system where all your beliefs, emotions, and decisions come from… and it runs subconsciously.
That is why you can make temporary progress… but when you get comfortable, the DNM pulls you back into old habits without your permission!
Tell me if this sounds familiar:
This is where it gets tricky because as you start to experience results, you get relief from the pain that was propelling you to take action, and pretty soon you’re not as motivated to do the work.
It goes even deeper than that.
There is a part of you that wants to do the work and keep making progress BUT there’s another part of you that wants to avoid the pain of the work and the unknown. The unfamiliar place of living in your new identity as a successful person.
You have polarized parts creating subconscious resistance and that’s what is sabotaging your progress and keeping you stuck!
This program is for people in recovery who face default modes of procrastination, social media distractions, TV or food binging, or putting yourself last on the priority list.
It’s time to change the Default Mode Network to resolve the subconscious inner conflict that keeps you stuck in negative behavior patterns.
In order to change your DMN, we first focus on resolving internal resistance to “the work” that your sponsor, therapist, trainer, and coach give you - through polarized parts work.
This framework will resolve internal resistance and allow you to take action and make consistent progress. Because when you are working WITH your DMN, you are in total alignment and energy flows where it needs to go!
First, I built the foundation
for transformation.
We only allow into our lives what we believe we deserve on a subconscious level. By reframing my inner beliefs about who I am, what I deserve, and how the universe works, I began to experience changes in my outside world!
I discovered that desire + nonresistance = desired outcome.
I knew that gathering more information wasn’t going to help me reach my goals. It was finding a way to release the internal resistance that was causing me to feel stuck. By practicing the Inner Compass framework, I was able to move past resistance and take consistent action towards my goals.
The default mode network will always need maintenance.
You could go to the gym for a year and be fit, but if you stopped working out, your body would return to its default. The same goes for the DMN. By using the Inner Compass framework, I deploy the skill of resolving resistance that naturally comes up when facing the challenges we face throughout all the stages of life.
An Online Program
For Sober People Who Want to Break Out Of Negative Repeating Patterns & Realize Their Dreams.
For Sober People Who Want to Break Out Of Negative Repeating Patterns & Realize Their Dreams.
Picture a place where you can finally break free from repeating the same old negative patterns through compassion and self-acceptance. A place to reinvent yourself, rebuild self-esteem, and live authentically.
And no guilt or shame about manifesting your dreams.
Just real support for real people on the path of personal growth.
Arlina's deep dive into my limiting beliefs helped me move past resistance and develop practical, effective skills to navigate the ups and downs of recovery.
It’s hard to put into words just how grateful I am for the impact she has had on my life and the incredible work she does. She is deeply knowledgeable about a vast array of sobriety approaches and tailors her guidance to meet each client exactly where they are.
I am happy to say that I have not had a drink for over 5 months nor do I have the desire to. I trusted Arlina from the first meeting. She was confident and comforting at the same time. She helped me sort through some complicated family issues that I had never really addressed before. She held me accountable in a way that didn't overwhelm me.
Janice D.
Reprogram your Default Mode Network so that you can live authentically and in alignment with your thoughts, feelings, values and actions. The key to more energy for what really matters!
How to resolve internal resistance so you can take consistent action towards your goals.
Heal core wounds at the root cause to build self-esteem, and create your world from a place of love, security, and safety.
Ongoing support to end procrastination weekly meetings, coaching calls, and a supportive community so you keep making progress.
Simple daily action steps so you can STOP spinning your wheels + make lasting progress that shows up in your relationships, bank account and body image.
A new way to reach your goals without the constant pressure of struggling, striving or feeling paralyzed at minor setbacks.
How to transform your inner critic into your biggest cheerleader so you don’t freak out and derail your progress when you make a mistake
The secret to manifesting your deepest desires, without self-sabotaging your progress after you realize your goals.
How to reprogram your behaviors so you no longer even have a desire to distract, indulge or doom scroll for hours on end.
Reprogram your Default Mode Network so that you can live authentically and in alignment with your thoughts, feelings, values and actions. The key to more energy for what really matters!
How to resolve internal resistance so you can take consistent action towards your goals.
Heal core wounds at the root cause to build self-esteem, and create your world from a place of love, security, and safety.
Ongoing support to end procrastination weekly meetings, coaching calls, and a supportive community so you keep making progress.
Simple daily action steps so you can STOP spinning your wheels + make lasting progress that shows up in your relationships, bank account and body image.
A new way to reach your goals without the constant pressure of struggling, striving or feeling paralyzed at minor setbacks.
How to transform your inner critic into your biggest cheerleader so you don’t freak out and derail your progress when you make a mistake
The secret to manifesting your deepest desires, without self-sabotaging your progress after you realize your goals.
How to reprogram your behaviors so you no longer even have a desire to distract, indulge or doom scroll for hours on end.
Ready to hear who is a fit for this party?
Keep reading!
You’ve tried teaching yourself inner practices, but now realize the value of expert guidance, clear instructions and a supportive community.
You believe in the power of the Universe, Loving Energy, God, faith, and destiny — but also enjoy the good things in life like delicious food, live music, and friends who can make you laugh until your belly aches.
You recognize that your outer world is often a mirror of your inner world —and you’re ready to work on the reflection.
You see the value in having a supportive, encouraging community of like-minded friends who “get it” to cheer you on and keep you accountable.
But I’ll give it to you straight.
This program isn’t for the faint of heart.
You think you’ll eventually “figure it out” on your own if you just keep gathering endless amounts of information.
You expect life-changing results overnight but can’t commit to showing up or being open minded.
You think investing in yourself is a waste of time and money and everyone else’s needs have to come first.
You believe inner work is just for “woo-woo” types and not for people with real jobs and responsibilities.
BUT... if you’re someone who’s ready to show up, have an open mind, and have a little fun along the way—this just might be your kind of place!
Here we combine mindset and practice. They work like soap and water-they are better together! The lessons are released weekly so that you don’t get overwhelmed and you have time to apply the information. The community is available on day 1 and where you work out the program!
Month: 1
The Action Framework
We all know what to do to reach our goals, so why don’t we do it? Lack of strategy or tactics is not the problem - it’s taking action in the face of internal resistance. A part of you wants to take action, but a part of you wants to avoid stress. These are polarized parts. Internal competing needs are what causes you to distract, procrastinate, leaving you feeling stuck and discouraged. Resolving resistance frees you to take consistent action so you can reach your goals. This is the work that allows you to do all your other work!
What you’ll learn:
The Quarterly Quest System
How to Resolve Resistance
The Time Swap Method
Create Purposeful Priorities
Month: 2
Reinvent Yourself
We only allow into our lives what we believe we deserve on a subconscious level. By reprogramming our subconscious beliefs, we can reinvent our identity, and raise our self-esteem. That’s when we naturally begin to align with our deepest desires, even if we have been struggling to reach our goals for years.
This module has a weekly live call so that you can do the exercises as a group and learn from the other participants. You can also watch the pre-recorded training as your schedule allows.
What you’ll learn:
Harness The Power of Your Mind
Create Your Authentic Identity
Reprogram Limiting Beliefs
How To Create More Energy
Resolve Subconscious Blocks
Create Lasting Change
Month: 3
The Consistency Cure
There is an old saying that repetition is the mother of mastery. In this phase you will put into practice the skill of resolving internal resistance to take actions that will reprogram your default mode network so that you can make progress towards your goals.
What you’ll focus on:
How To Apply New Skills
Accountability Partner Method
Practice Parts Work
Energy Management Method
Manifest Scripting
The formula for creating the scripts that will manifest your desires.
This is a step-by-step guide to create a manifesting script. Of all the manifesting techniques I’ve tried, this one has been the fastest, easiest and most effective tool I have found. Use this method that leverages the teaching of Nevall Goddard and the law of assumption.
The scripting letter format
How to focus attention and energy with scripting
Manifestation Meditation
Fear Detox
Learn the process of mitigating fear and overcome obsessive thinking
Learning how to manage fearful thoughts and obsessive thinking is a skill that can be learned. In this module, you will learn how to manage fears and get to the root cause of obsessive thinking so you can calm your mind and focus on what matters most.
Fear setting exercise
The top 5 tips to overcome obsessive thoughts
Parts work journaling
The proper use of fear
The New Decision Matrix
The quality of your life is determined by your internal decision making process
This process will help you to clarify and align your decisions with your desires by building confidence in taking consistent, empowered actions.
The 4 Quadrants of Decision Making
Integrating Emotional Awareness
Tools for navigating the matrix
Radiant Breath Workshop
This is a live workshop that will introduce you to the power of the breath.
This powerful practice invites you to access and align with your authentic self, releasing emotional blocks and fostering deep healing. By engaging in transformational breath work, you’ll gain the clarity and empowerment needed to move through life with greater purpose and emotional freedom.
Experience emotional release and mental clarity.
Access deeper self-awareness and spiritual connection.
Build a foundation for ongoing personal growth and healing.
Nervous System Reset Workshop
This is a live workshop that will guide you through the powerful tech of EFT Tapping
EFT tapping helps calm the nervous system by stimulating acupressure points while focusing on specific issues. This combination can lower cortisol levels and promote relaxation, making it effective for reducing stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.
Reduces Stress and Anxiety by Resetting the Nervous System
Releases Emotional Blocks
Improves Feelings of Safety and Security
Guided Meditations
Guided Meditations
These meditations will reinforce your new default mode network through deep relaxation, visualizations, and positive affirmations.
Experience feelings of goals achieved to support manifestations.
Integrate deeper transformation and spiritual connection.
Solidify your foundation for confidence and trusting the process.
Manifest Scripting
The formula for creating the scripts that will manifest your desires.
This is a step-by-step guide to create a manifesting script. Of all the manifesting techniques I’ve tried, this one has been the fastest, easiest and most effective tool I have found. Use this method that leverages the teaching of Nevall Goddard and the law of assumption.
The scripting letter format
How to focus attention and energy with scripting
Manifestation Meditation
Fear Detox
Learn the process of mitigating fear and overcome obsessive thinking
Learning how to manage fearful thoughts and obsessive thinking is a skill that can be learned. In this module, you will learn how to manage fears and get to the root cause of obsessive thinking so you can calm your mind and focus on what matters most.
Fear setting exercise
The top 5 tips to overcome obsessive thoughts
Parts work journaling
The proper use of fear
The New Decision Matrix
The quality of your life is determined by your internal decision making process
This process will help you to clarify and align your decisions with your desires by building confidence in taking consistent, empowered actions.
The 4 Quadrants of Decision Making
Integrating Emotional Awareness
Tools for navigating the matrix
Holotropic Breath Workshop
This is a live workshop that will introduce you to the power of the breath.
This powerful practice invites you to access and align with your authentic self, releasing emotional blocks and fostering deep healing. By engaging in Holotropic Breathwork, you’ll gain the clarity and empowerment needed to move through life with greater purpose and emotional freedom.
Experience emotional release and mental clarity.
Access deeper self-awareness and spiritual connection.
Build a foundation for ongoing personal growth and healing.
Nervous System Reset Workshop
This is a live workshop that will guide you through the powerful tech of EFT Tapping
EFT tapping helps calm the nervous system by stimulating acupressure points while focusing on specific issues. This combination can lower cortisol levels and promote relaxation, making it effective for reducing stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.
Reduces Stress and Anxiety by Resetting the Nervous System
Releases Emotional Blocks
Improves Feelings of Safety and Security
Guided Meditations
Guided Meditations
These meditations will reinforce your new default mode network through deep relaxation, visualizations, and positive affirmations.
Experience emotional release and mental clarity.
Access deeper self-awareness and spiritual connection.
Build a foundation for ongoing personal growth and healing.
While you are working through the modules, you will have access to The Inner Compass Community where we accomplish more together than we can alone.
As you reshape your default mode network, your new operating system needs ongoing maintenance. It’s just like going to the gym to stay in shape, but without the “gym-bros” or all the pain and sweating.
Each week there will be live zoom meetings to practice resolving internal resistance, for consistency support, pressure relief, and making new connections. There will be topic discussion meetings to reinforce the new vision of yourself, a short breathwork exercise & meditation, and an invitation to share.
Every week there will be meetings to support you in building momentum, and working through roadblocks so you can continue to make progress.
“Reinvent Yourself”
Live Group Coaching Calls
This is where you can do the exercises together in a group setting. You will gain new perspectives that you can apply immediately.
“The Action Framework”
In these meetings you will practice doing “Parts Work”. This is the practice of connecting with all your parts and building self-trust. This is the core work of changing the Default Mode Network at the root cause.
“The Consistency Cure”
This is where science meets spirituality. With a combination of breathwork, visualization, and action plans, you will stay connected with your higher purpose, and make consistent progress. As a collective, we bring our life challenges to the group for encouragement and to identify creative solutions.
The Inner Compass Community
As you move through this course, you will tap into a community of like minded individuals who are committed to breaking out of old patterns. You will connect with them through the meetings and through the private Facebook Group. It is a space to be visible, check in with wins and challenges as well as offer support to others as an exercise the "Each One, Teach One" method of self-esteem building.
The Private Facebook Accountability Group
Implementing Your New
Vision & Strategy
This comes from the Action Framework Modules. You can use the group to state what actions you are taking, when you will be taking them, and report back when you are done.
The Action
Partner Protocol
If you want an action partner, you can use our PDF with guidelines on how to be a good action partner and the protocol of how to engage with them.
The Action Framework Meetings
Reinvent Yourself Live Group Workshop Meetings
The Consistency Cure Meetings
I have grown so much and now feel like I finally have inner peace!
Arlina's coaching program helped me to stop self-sabotaging and develop a new empowering belief system.
juliana s.
Before working with Arlina, I was drinking a bottle of wine every night. I was waking up at 3am, felt like sh*t every morning.
trisha m.
I tried to moderate my drinking on my own for years. Working with Arlina, I had a complete mindset shift.
brandi m.
I know that taking a step towards a new way of thinking can be a bit intimidating. That’s why I want you to feel completely safe when you join ICP and know that you can explore the materials and see for yourself how the program is laid out.
If you get into the program and don’t feel that there is a practical and effective approach that will fully support you on your journey to freedom, simply email me at [email protected] and request a refund within 14 days and you’ll receive your money back, guaranteed.
I use an approach known as 'the time swap method’. You simply swap out the time you would otherwise spend on binging Netflix or doom scrolling on social media! As you reduce resistance for what you do want to do, you naturally spend less time on distractions. I recommend a minimum of 1 meeting per week, and 15 minutes daily, (5x per week) on the work which would equate to about 135 minutes per week.
I get it! I’m definitely a self-help junkie! The program is designed to make tiny tweaks at the ROOT CAUSE. As you practice your new skills, you will break free from the cybernetic loop. This will fundamentally change your beliefs and the entire trajectory of your journey, in the shortest amount of time, with minimal effort.
This program is designed to work in conjunction with whatever you are currently doing for your self-care. In fact, you will find that it allows you to apply the tactics, strategies and wisdom of all the current modalities you are exploring.
That’s totally understandable! While work is definitely required, the whole point of the course is to teach you skills that are designed to help you take action, and build momentum to carry you through the process.
This is a 12 week program. It’s like a gym membership that strengthens the connection to your internal compass and newly cultivated skills - but without all the sweating :) As long as you are a current member, you’ll receive access to the online course platform (videos/audios), access to the monthly live workshops, weekly meetings, & community features and the ability to download and keep your Reinvent Yourself Workbook for life.
Would I have furthered my education? Would I have progressed further in my career? Would I have spent more time feeling healthier with more energy? How would my family have benefited? What experiences could we have had?
There’s no point in regretting the past, but we can leverage it for our future.
Imagine your ideal future self, one year from today. You have learned the skill of resolving internal resistance, you have taken consistent action and now you are reaping the benefits of all your hard work!
How will it feel to finally be free of fear, and show up as the authentic & brilliant person you were always meant to be?
Don’t wait to register, your future self needs you! You deserve to live a limitless life. And if you feel resistance, that’s not only okay, it’s part of the process! Because what has felt right in the past has led you to where you are now, and NOW is the only time a change can be made.
I look forward to seeing you in class!
Would I have furthered my education? Would I have progressed further in my career? Would I have spent more time feeling healthier with more energy? How would my family have benefited? What experiences could we have had?
There’s no point in regretting the past, but we can leverage it for our future.
Imagine your ideal future self, one year from today. You have learned the skill of resolving internal resistance, you have taken consistent action and now you are reaping the benefits of all your hard work!
How will it feel to finally be free of fear, and show up as the authentic & brilliant person you were always meant to be?
Don’t wait to register, your future self needs you! You deserve to live a limitless life. And if you feel resistance, that’s not only okay, it’s part of the process! Because what has felt right in the past has led you to where you are now, and NOW is the only time a change can be made.
I look forward to seeing you in class!
Her guidance went beyond surface solutions, helping me to redefine my relationship with myself and create a life that felt balanced and joyful without alcohol. I wholeheartedly recommend Arlina to anyone who is ready to make a powerful shift in their life and find a new path to freedom.
Alexis F.
I’ve been working with Arlina as my Life Coach for almost two years, and have, with her guidance and love, made soul-fulfilling, drastic changes as I find my purpose and live my best life. It’s an easy, thoroughly entertaining and comprehensive explanation of the many ways the 12 steps can work for anyone
Jamie w.
The Action Framework Meetings
Reinvent Yourself Live Group Workshop Meetings
The Consistency Cure Meetings
Reinvent Yourself”: Live Group Coaching Calls
“Inner Compass” Meetings
"Creative Collective” Meetings
The “Neuro Reset” Somatic Experience Meetings
Bonus 1: Manifest Scripting (Value $XXX)
Bonus 2: Fear Detox (Value $XXX)
Bonus 3: The New Decision Matrix (Value $XXX)
Bonus 4: Holotropic Breath Workshop (Value $XXX)
Bonus 5: Nervous System Reset Workshop (Value $XXX)
Bonus 6: Guided Meditations: Health, Wealth, Relationships (Value $XXX) - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions - Privacy Policy